
Saturday, 9 May 2015

Voyage Resumed

I left Sharon at Lisbon Airport on Thursday afternoon and headed back to Vigo via the Metro and then rail. A few nervous moments queing for a metro ticket at the Airport but I made the train with 15 minutes to spare. Got back to the boat about 2230 that night and Tony had cooked dinner which was very welcome.

Friday we went shopping and I treked to the Laundry.

During tea in bed this morning Tony used the loo, then I heard a splash and "oh dear" from Tony. "What's up?" I enquired nervously. Silence at first then, "well without going into details, your jacket is going to need a good hose down."

We cast off at 1100 this morning in the sun and a light breeze from the SW, bound for Biaona just a few miles down the coast and where Tony had called in on his last ocean passage 40 years ago en route for the Canaries.

We were so taken up with the wind vane that we missed the short route to Biaona and had to go the long way around the off-lying Islands

We played with the wind vane during the short passage and whilst we're not yet 100% satisfied that it is working as it should it was able to hold a course pretty well so we are fairly pleased. There are further adjustments with weights and the positioning of blocks and the tiller fitting that we can try tomorrow.

Biaona is pleasant with a most impressive, if somewhat imposing yacht club. The only one in Spain apparently to challenge for the Americas Cup (no information provided about the success or otherwise of the challenge. The Pilot states laconically that visitors are made welcome "provided the adopt the members dress code"! No details of the dress code were provided!

Anyway suffice to say that we were made very welcome without resorting to dressing up and went for a beer in the club over looking the marina and bay.

The down side of Baiona (so far) is the marina price. It's mid season at present which for our 10 meters will cost us E21.53! We'll be moving on tomorrow! Probably to "Viano do Costelo", about 30 miles down the coast. The winds are still light , not good for a long haul.

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