
Saturday, 6 June 2015

Postscript to "Bugger" (see yellow brick blog page)

What I failed to mention was that moments before we motored out of the flat calm into the Force 7 , Tony was on the verge of serving up a gourmet dinner that he had spent ages preparing in the calm seas. Chicken thighs marinated in yogurt and 'Tony's secret ingredients'. All was laid out on the galley work tops ready for the final flourish before serving.

Bang, the boat was reeling under the Force 7 winds with all canvas up. After a minute a yelled down to Tony in the cabin that I was going to heave too in order to reef. I did that then looked below to see Tony on his hands and knees with dinner and lots of other things besides scattered all over the cabin sole. It was shortly after that that we decided to head for the Lee of the island and so our subsequent fight with the cooling system took place in treacherous underfoot conditions, but at least the wind was no longer threatening to rip the genoa of the forestay.

We later ate the chicken pieces by hand but the rest of the fine dish was unfortunately beyond salvation!

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