Passage Log –
Mindelo to Forte De France, Martinique
Author's apology/excuse: some of the English is really quite
shocking with tenses jumbled up all over the place. The conditions
are my excuse. It would take me ages to correct and so I have decided
to publish and be dammed! Also problems with uploading photos, so a bit threadbare!
Another Atlantic Passage Maker |
Why is there a picture of a bar of soap here? |
Thursday 8th
December 2016
After the
frustrations of yesterday we finally got of the marina berth at about
1300 GMT and then had to wait for half an hour to fuel up whilst a
vast American yacht filled her tanks.
Earlier we said
goodbye to Terry and Fiona on Sisu a Rival 38 who will be heading for
Antigua in a week or so and perhaps therefore we’ll see them again.
We also said goodbye to Nico on board his lovely Colin Archer ketch.
He very kindly helped us with our lines. He will be heading for
Grenada in a few days. After fuelling up we motored into the harbour
and said goodbye to Neil and Michael on board their very sturdy
aluminium sloop Miveria. They will be heading for Barbados in a few
days so there is a possibility we may see them again too.
We set the Genoa to
start with until we were out in the Canal da Sao Vincente but once
again we were lucky and the acceleration zone was pretty muted. 15
knots or so only so we soon set the jib to windward with our new
expensive spinnaker pole, alongside the Genoa to leeward sheeted to
the main boom.
Our trade wind
sailing experience had begun. Next planned stop is some 2000 miles
west at Forte de France, Martinique. We started off making a good six
knots. IF we are able to keep up that sort of speed we’ll be in in
time for Christmas!
Mick made a late
sandwich lunch around 1600 and as we were eating it I saw three
whales off to port about 500 metres away. Of course, by the time we
had got the cameras out they had gone.
As evening fell the
wind eased and at the time of writing our speed was down to 4-5
knots. Our heading is south of west being the best compromise between
comfort (with the swell nearly behind us and our desired heading of
about 280. The wind is due to veer more to the west over the coming
days and therefore we expect to make a better course then.
Mick’s taking the
first 6 hour watch from 2000 to 0200.
Needless to say, I
got hardly any sleep. The wind decided to die and back pushing us
south and with the existing swell produced a horrible rolling motion
once again.
Friday 9th
Up at 0200. The
changed wind necessitated a sail change to Genoa only so we could
head more west. We assumed the wind would veer back enabling us to
run west under twin head sails. It did for 10 minutes during which
time we hoisted the jib and got it down again and for the remainder
of my watch we sailed under Genoa only expecting the wind to veer
At around 0500 a
commercial vessel the Baltic Pioneer crossed us from the south. His
CPA was less than a mike and so I called him up on the radio and he
made the necessary course change to give us a wider berth. At around
the same time a German yacht Lady Sunshine began to overhaul us from
the east and to the north. She was most probably out of Mindelo too.
Just after dawn at
around 0730 GMT we were visited by a large pod of Dolphins including
babies who played chicken in the bow wave for a good 15 minutes. I
got the video camera out and may have captured some action – we’ll
Once Mick came on
watch at 0800 we hoisted the main in an effort to keep up and then an
hour or so later we hoisted the jib too and so for the first time
Arctic Smoke was running under 3 sails. This was moderately
successful for a few hours and we kept Lady Sunshine in sight but we
were once again being pushed further south under that sail plan and
therefore after a couple of hours I dropped the jib at around 1300
and got back on a more westerly course.
Later in the
afternoon we heard radio traffic between a Frenchman and the German
Lady Sunshine. We deduced the German was the interesting Trimaran we
saw in Mindelo with two un-stayed rotating masts and wrap around
sails. Mick had chatted to him in the Loos and discovered he was
familiar with Elizabethan 33s. Apparently, some were made in France.
He and Lady Sunshine had quite a chat on Channel 16 and when they had
finished another German boat we could see off to starboard then
chatted to Lady Sunshine. Being reserved British types we didn’t
join in!
The day passed
without incident and we continued to make reasonable progress at 5-6
k on a magnetic heading of around 290 which meant we were more or
less heading for Martinique on a great circle route at 274 degrees
Mick was feeling a
little queasy so I fixed a late lunch of boiled eggs and cooked
dinner – pork stew and we ate around 1830 in the cockpit. I had the
first off-watch again at 2000 and this time got a good sleep.
Saturday 10th
Up at 0200 to find
things much the same under a bright moonlight sky. Our course was
almost directly into the moon. Our GPS unit is predicting arrival on
the 23rd December but we’ll be very fortunate if we are able to
maintain our speed over the rest of the passage in order to achieve
An uneventful night
under the still very bright moon and continued to average about 5 k
in the right direction. Lady Sunshine left our AIS screen. The other
German boat to the north of us disappeared at nightfall and we
therefore assumed she didn’t turn her lights on (she never appeared
on our AIS screen and therefore presumably was not transmitting).
I had a catch-up
sleep when I came of watch and then Mick cooked an excellent brunch
omelette, slightly spoilt by being dowsed in orange squash when the
boat took an unexpected lurch to port!
After breakfast we
heard Lady Sunshine on the VHF again looking for someone to talk to
so after a while we called her up and had a pleasant chat (on channel
8). She apparently broke her steering vane rudder and had to put into
Mindelo for repairs. She’s almost 2 metres longer than Arctic Smoke
so we weren’t too sore that they had overhauled us overnight.
We played with the
video cameras again in the afternoon. Goodness knows whether any of
it will be worth viewing. The same scenery day after day does not
make for compulsive viewing and if there was anything really exciting
happening we would probably both be too busy to take pictures!
The wind died away
somewhat in the later afternoon and therefore so did our speed.
However it backed further north and increased around 1715 and we are
once again making 5+ knots. The GPS is now predicting arrival in the
early hours of Christmas eve!
The evening was so
pleasant we had cocktails in the cockpit (very weak rum punch).
Mick’s on cooking
duty tonight and a mince hash is brewing in the pressure cooker and
very good it smells too!
It tasted good as
After dinner Mick
had a snooze until it was time for his watch at 2000.
I slept pretty well
for most of my time off.
Sunday 11th
December 2016
I did though become
aware that the wind had increased and that the boat was behaving in a
more lively fashion, then at around 1315 I was woken properly by
water splashing over my feet. The hatch in the cabin roof was open
and it had come in through there. I noticed that Mick was helming by
hand and he confirmed that Angus was unable to cope with the latest
gust that had hit us. After a brief chat we agreed it was time to
reef so I got togged up and went on deck to do just that.
Unfortunately the topping lift (the bit of string that holds the main
boom up when the sail is not doing so) had come adrift so when I
lowered the mainsail to reef the boom dropped. This was potentially a
tricky situation because it meant we could not lower or reef the
mainsail without the boom dropping into the sea! In the current
conditions whilst we were really carrying too much canvas we could
get away with it by easing the main fully out to spill the wind out
of it. Should the wind increase significantly however we would have a
more serious situation to deal with.
Back with the main
therefore and a think about what to do. I had spare halyards running
to the top of the mast and so we should be able to make use of one of
those as a temporary topping lift. However that would require
re-routing the halyard and the likelihood of doing that successfully
in the dark seemed pretty remote. We therefore eased the main right
off and reefed the Genoa and the boat seemed to be reasonably
comfortable and on a reasonable course and we so decided to leave
things like that until daylight (or unless things got worse) when we
can see what we’re doing.
The upside of the
situation is that we’re making good progress at around 6 knots.
At the change of
Watch at 0800 we rigged the spare halyard as a topping lift without
too much difficulty. The lead is not great but it works and it will
hopefully get us to Martinique. In the daylight it was also possible
to see what had happened. The shackle holding the topping lift block
(pulley) to the top of the mast had either come undone or had broken
– the line itself was OK. Thank goodness it had not happened when I
was in the middle of reefing with my full weight on the boom!
Another balmy
evening in the cockpit deserved a beer. Unfortunately, we’re not
over impressed with the Cape Verde beer and we have now finished all
our San Miguel .
I cooked dinner –
Cheritzo Hot Pot. It was pretty good. After that I rang Sharon on the
Sat phone borrowed from Richard. Unfortunately one of the Matriarch’s
of our family – Aunty Cordell – died whilst we were in the Cape
Verde and so Sharon’s busy helping out with the funeral
arrangements. No other bad news thankfully. Aunty has been a major
figure in the family for many years and will be sorely missed.
Noon position
= 16 40 N, 31 12 W
Noon (9/12/16) to noon = 265 NM
Monday 12th
On Watch at 0200 as
usual and again the moon is incredibly bright. Almost a full moon
We’ve been making
pretty good progress for a little boat. Noon to noon averages over
the last two days have been around 130 and as at 0230 this morning
our previous noon position was already 80 miles behind us. We’ve
been sailing under twin head sails. since lunch time yesterday after
the wind veered more to the West. Whilst we’re making good speed we
are having to sail south of our ideal heading. We’re hoping the
wind will veer further west but if it doesn’t within the next 12
hours or so we may go back to main and Genoa and head north of our
desired heading. With the wind as it is, that heading either results
in the jib backing under the current rig or with the Genoa being
blanketed by the mainsail.
We kept the twin
head sails. for the rest of the night but it proved to be an
uncomfortable one for Mick trying to sleep in the for-peak. The wind
backed a little and increased significantly shortly after he retired
forcing us further south once more. I therefore adjusted Angus to
sail us closer to the wind but that had the result of the jib backing
frequently and when it snapped back it caused a lot of vibration (not
readily apparent from the cockpit but it was from the for-peak as I
learnt later). Not something the boat should sustain for long
periods. We were in any case over canvassed and I was on the verge of
calling Mick up to reduce sail several times but never did. We were
sailing extremely fast for Arctic Smoke – I often saw 7k + on the
speedometer and it was exhilarating sailing. Mick popped his head up
at about 0630 to complain about the rough ride and so I headed back
down wind more which eased things. Nevertheless at the change of
Watch at 0800 we doused the jib and carried on under just the Genoa
enabling us to head towards the wind a little and north of west to
get back on course of around 280 magnetic.
We continued like
that for the rest of the day with the only change being to sheet the
Genoa to the main boom when the wind veered a little so allowing us
to sail more downwind. This had the benefit of putting the now
significant swell more behind us and thus reducing the rolling.
Ah, yes the rolling.
Probably the most significant feature of this passage. When the swell
is from behind the rolling is for the most part consistent and
reasonably predictable. You can’t put anything down on a flat
surface and expect it to remain there but at least you can sort of
predict where it’s going to go and make allowances (such as keeping
one’s cup of tea in one’s hand). However, the further from the
stern the swell is the more unpredictable it becomes and that’s
when stuff, particular drinks and us get thrown in all directions.
Sleep becomes near impossible!
The upside of
down-wind sailing is that it’s much drier than when sailing into
the wind. Much less water gets on the boat and therefore into it. And
of course, there’s no pitching. Never having undertaken a long
passage close hauled (although I think the passage from Madeira to
the Azores last year with Tony was on a close reach). I’m not
absolutely sure which is the more comfortable but I suspect three
weeks of rolling may be better than three weeks of constant heeling,
pitching and soaking!
Why am I doing this?
We both felt very
knackered today and spent most of our off-watch time in our bunks
trying to catch up on lost sleep. I’m off-watch shortly and will
hold the 0200 – 0800 watch again. I hope I get some good sleep
before then.
Noon position
= 16 03.8 N, 33 21.7 W
Noon to noon =
131 NM
Tuesday 13th
December 2016
Did I mention the
rolling? Oh yes so I did. Well it’s worse than that. I was going to
write that I didn’t get a wink of sleep for six hours due to the
bloody rolling but that’s not true because remember dreaming that
I was sailing in a North Sea estuary somewhere with others and we
gave up our night time passage in search of a comfortable anchorage
because the rolling was so bad! No anchorage out here though!
I had a brief chat
with Mick around 0100 to share my discomfort and he very kindly
didn’t wake me at 0200 and I “slept” in until 0245. On rising
and with a very bright full moon, I decided it was worth trying a
change of sail plan in an effort to reduce the rolling. We reefed the
Genoa and set the jib. It helps a little – that is until we get hit
by a cross swell and then the dancing starts again along with the
banging and clattering and squeaking and groaning and swearing. We
found a point of sailing that managed to keep both the sails from
backing for 99% of the time and gave us a reasonable heading, if
still a little south of our preferred one. A further benefit was that
our speed increased to 6 knots .
When I said one of
the benefits of down wind sailing is that you don’t get wet, I was
wrong. This afternoon I was dozing in my bunk while Mick was doing
some washing in the cockpit thinking I should really do some washing
too, when a bloody great wave landed in the cockpit, ruined Mick’s
rinse cycle and bounced down the companion way and over the galley
top and into my bed! I was not amused – until that is I looked into
the cockpit and saw a large drowned rat surrounded by buckets and
bowls of newly washed clothes swilling around in salty sea water
swearing his head off!
I pointed out that
as the man on watch it was his own fault for not reefing earlier and
I that thanks to his negligence I now had a rather damp bed. Given
that it’s usually Mick complaining that I don’t reef early enough
It was rather enjoyable to make the observation.
The wind was up to
20+ knots, we were running at 6.5 – 7 knots and we had the reefed
Genoa and number one jib set as twin running sails. Wash-day
conditions were a little challenging! The Genoa was already reefed
down smaller than the jib. The Genoa can easily be reefed from the
cockpit by pulling on bits of string that roll it up around the stay.
The jib on the other hand is hanked on to the emergency fore-stay and
its size can only be reduced by replacing it with a smaller sail.
That requires a trip up to the fore-deck in conditions that are
inevitably going to be a bit lively.
Anyway that was what
was now required and I therefore set about doing just that. It wasn’t
too bad actually given we were sailing down wind. I only got a few
minor splashes in the process. Within 20 minutes the sail change was
made and things had calmed down somewhat allowing Mick to rescue his
washing. By this time because he had got completely soaked in what
had been a set of new clean dry clothes, he had stripped down to his
undies. The scene was perfect for videoing but for some reason he
would not let me get the camera out!
The rest of the day
passed without significant incident. I managed to dry my bedding out
as much as possible after a dose of salt water. I cooked a
tuna/potato bake in the oven to make a change from pressure cooker
stews and took the first off watch which we started at 2100 GMT
rather than 2000 as we had been previously. Our gradual progress
westwards required the change in order to align the 12 hours of
darkness evenly across out two watches.
Yet again I found it
difficult to sleep due to the boat’s rolling!
Noon position
= 15 51.4 N, 35 42.2 W
Noon to Noon =
Wednesday 14th
December 2016
Mick called me at
0300. The wind had apparently been up and down during his watch
requiring the Genoa to be rolled in and out. Over all we were still
making good progress with average speeds at 5 knots plus and an ETA
of 23/12.
We continued to make
good progress during my watch with the wind more up than down and the
Genoa usually reefed to the same size as the small jib. Course over
ground around 280.
Lunch was sardine
tortillas made by Mick.
A succession of
moderate squalls blow through from the East during the course of the
afternoon dumping water in the cockpit and requiring a succession of
adjustments to the amount of reefing on the Genoa. The strongest
arrived just as we were having afternoon tea and with the boat speed
surging to over 7 knots I had to abandon my tea to reef the Genoa.
Before I managed to the boat surged again this time to 9.5 knots
albeit only for a few seconds. That’s a record for Arctic Smoke –
well in excess of her hull speed so we must have been planing. Once
reefed down things became more civilised and I was able to finish my
The wind remained
fresh for most of the time for the rest of the afternoon and we
continued westwards at between 4.5 – 6.5 knots under a 50% Genoa
and the small jib. The seas were often quite large (up to 4 metres)
but mostly from behind and so the rolling was for the most part
slower and therefore more comfortable.
Dinner was simple
fare – curried beans on dried toast again cooked by Mick.
Noon position
= 15 41.4 N, 38 01.8 W
Noon to noon =
122 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 1317
Thursday 15th
December 2016
On Watch at 0300.
Mick reported that he had just reefed further and that with the sails
the same size the boat was better behaved and that Angus was not
having to work so hard. The wind was up and down a little during my
watch but we maintained an average speed of 5.5 knots without me
having to touch anything. The wind had veered further west earlier in
the night and we were therefore now heading a little north of our
desired heading. We would have to gybe to address that and at this
stage of the crossing it’s not worth the effort. With the Genoa
sheeted to leeward on the main boom which cannot be set further
forwards than the shrouds, the wind gets round the back of it easily
whereas the jib is set to windward on the pole which is forward of
the shrouds and will therefore hold its wind much more easily.
Thankfully with
further adjustments to Angus we were able to steer a good heading
without the need to gybe. The rest of the day continues to be windy
with wind speeds around the high teens and low twenties all day. At
the upper end the sail plan was at its limits with the boat rounding
up in the highest gusts and backing either the Genoa or jib.
Thankfully this only occurred occasionally and we were able to
proceed without the need to change down to the storm jib. Despite the
higher winds our speed dropped a little because of the need to reduce
sail to keep the boat manageable.
The seas are now
quite high perhaps 4-5 metres and with something of a cross swell.
This makes for pretty uncomfortable sailing with the boat going into
a rapid rolling action every 30 seconds to a few minutes. In between
times it's reasonably OK but when she gets the shakes it's bloody
I cooked dinner of
potatoes onions and tinned ham and it went down well.
Noon position
= 15 34.53 N, 40 20.22 W
Noon to noon =
134 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 1204
Nearer by 113
Friday 16th
December 2016
was up again at 0300 as usual after a not very good night's sleep as
the rolling described above continued and as it did for the whole of
my Watch. We seem to be catching 3 swells at present, one from the
South East, one behind us and one from the North East. To be frank
we've both had enough of the vicious rolling it's producing and it's
affects on our sleep. When Mick dragged himself out of bed this
morning at 0800 he protested that 'it wasn't him what did it and he
really should not be subject to this cruel and demeaning punishment'!
my Watch Angus occasionally required a little help to recover from
the Genoa backing during a particularly strong gust and/or viscous
cross swell but apart from that he performed his task well. The good
news is we continue to make good progress and a Christmas
Eve/Christmas Day arrival remains a possibility. Whether we'll be in
any state to celebrate if we do arrive that early is of course
another matter entirely!
nasty shock this morning. We discovered stowaways in Pasito Blanco in
the form of Cockroaches and had eliminated a number then and shortly
after leaving but had seen none since leaving Mindelo. This morning
however I saw one on my bunk of all places. I got the little blighter
but our optimistic theory that the remainder had died of sea sickness
now looks dis-proven!
rolling of the boat continues to dominate our lives especially when
preparing the food in the galley or using the loo. Both activities
can end in disaster. This morning I made some tea that I was really
looking forward. It was all made and poured and standing in the
anti-spill tray on top of the gimballed stove when the boat gave a
violent lurch to starboard and the whole bloody lot was all over the
galley sole (and my bare feet). Whilst in the middle of writing this
the boat took a similar lurch and because I had forgotten to put the
stove back on the gimbals after cleaning it, the kettle came flying
off onto the Galley floor and broke the handle off. We can probably
glue it back on in the morning but no tea tonight! On the Loo front
there have fortunately been only minor incidents so far!
cooked an excellent Pork Curry using the 2nd
half of the tin from yesterday and we enjoyed that in the Cockpit
with a can of beer.
the day I received a reply from my Yellowbrick message to
circumnavigator Chris (and a previous owner of Arctic Smoke whom I
met along with his circumnavigator wife Lorraine last June in the
Azores on their return home to Lowestoft) enquiring about the weather
ahead. “ENE 20 to 25 kts incr 25-30 on Sun for a while. Martinique
15-20 kts nxt 10 days”. Not bad – a bit more than we have had to
date although the 30k if it materialises may make life a bit more
difficult and would require a reduction in sail.
Noon position
= 15 46.8N, 42 43.0 W
Noon to noon =
140 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 1055
Nearer by 136
first half of my off-Watch was characterised by the viscous rolling
already described and I got little sleep as a result. Then things
calmed down and (as I write we are hit by a sudden gust and the boat
goes careering off to starboard backing the jib and I have to go up
to help Angus get us back on course) I was able to get some sleep.
commencing my Watch things remain broadly the same. The wind though
seems to back north of east and so I make a slight adjustment to
Angus to hold our heading of approximately 290 magnetic.
have seen no ships or other yachts for about 4 days now. Indeed the
only sign of life out here apart from us is an occasional bird. We
saw what we think were Swallows yesterday and at tonight's change of
Watch for the second night running, we are joined by a mysterious
black bird who circled low above us as Mick handed over the ship to
really would like a hot drink and think I may try and use the broken
kettle in a little while.
to Bob Darby who gave me a CD with the entire series on it, I am
getting through my Watches by listening to “The Hitch-hikers Guide
to the Galaxy” (which helpfully has emblazoned across its front
cover in big friendly letters, the phrase “Don't Panic”). I now
need to copy a further instalment or 2 onto my phone. Then I'll
address the kettle. A coffee whilst listening to the Hitch-hikers
Guide.. with the boat pushing along at 5-6 knots seems pretty
appealing right now.
worked out OK and the rest of the Watch passed without major incident
– just the need to help Angus out in the occasional strong gusts
that hit us. We continue to make good progress and a Christmas Eve
arrival is still on the cards.
day saw three significant events (apart from dinner) the first of
which was that we had a visitor. During the late afternoon I was
reading in the cockpit while Mick had his afternoon nap. Around 1500
GMT (noon-ish local time) I put my book down and stood up to scan the
horizon (we had still not seen a soul for days) and turned to look
forward to find a white bird perched on the mainsheet not two feet
away staring at me. I'm not sure what he was but Grandpa Tim (and/or
anyone else), perhaps you can identify him from the photo and advise
via the comment function at the bottom of this post. He looked like a
young white Heron to me but I am no expert. He also looked a bit
knackered and was probably exhausted and took the opportunity to have
a rest. He stayed on the mainsheet for about half an hour and then
shortly after Mick appeared he took off and continuously circled the
boat before briefly landing again for short periods. Then he was off
for good and appeared to be heading East against the strong wind. I
hope he made it but somehow doubt it.
two was that after dinner we got hit by a large wave whilst the
hatchway in the Saloon was still open and my bedding got soaked.
three was that shortly after Mick commenced his Watch at 2100 GMT the
wind gusted to 20k plus and we were hit by another large wave that
filled the cockpit and soaked Mick. I had just got to sleep and was
woken by the roar of the boat careering down the wave and heading up
into the wind quickly followed by a string of spluttering expletives
from the cockpit. I enquired as to Mick's health and safety from the
safety of my slightly damp bunk and received a reply which meant that
at least I wouldn't have to go through the motions of searching the
Atlantic for him. We then had a brief discussion and given that the
wind was now frequently in excess of 20 knots, agreed that a further
reduction of sail would now be prudent. Mick therefore rolled away
half of the remaining Genoa leaving it half the size of the small jib
alongside it and that settled things down. Best of all I didn't have
to leave my bunk.
Noon position = 15 36 N, 45 05 W
Noon to noon =
137 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 916
Nearer by 137
my damp bunk and the continued rolling (although despite the higher
wind it's not as bad as before) I managed to get some sleep during my
getting out in the cockpit to relieve Mick, it was evident that the
wind had maintained it's intensity and was blowing around/more than
25 knots. The boat's wind measurement instrument that had not not
worked properly since our departure from Pasito Blanco was recording
a consistent 20k – with a 5k boat speed added on that would equal
25 k, however it hardly indicates any increase on that even when it
is evident from ones own senses that there's an increase in the speed
of the wind. The fact that we are also consistently recording boat
speed in the region of 6 k despite a quarter less sail area than
previously also suggests the wind is now often blowing in excess of
25 k.
after commencing my watch I needed to go to the loo! Normally when
Mick's in the fore-peak, I'll shut and bolt the sliding door between
the loo and the fore-peak for both our sakes and then switch on the
light in the loo. However, on this occasion the conditions were such
that there was a possibility of bad broach (when the boat goes
running off across the wind out of control) which could in turn
render me incapable. If that did happen Mick would not thank me for
locking him in the fore-peak with his only way being through the
hatch in the coach-roof! I therefore decided to leave the door open.
Suffice to say there were no disasters of any sort.
later however we were hit by a large wave on the side of the boat
which knocked us off course and across the wind backing the now
smaller Genoa. Angus could not cope and I had to go out and help him
get the boat back on track. That was the only time in 4 hours he
needed help and given the conditions that's pretty good. Typing this
down below the conditions are not too bad, despite the increase in
wind and waves the boat's motion is for the most part, more
comfortable than on earlier occasions. The rapid, jerky rolling has
all but gone. The noise of advancing waves can be a little
disconcerting though. One's never sure whether a particular roar is
going to end in a crash as the wave slams and breaks against the boat
or whether it will pass harmlessly by, which the great majority do.
some do not! Later around 1030 GMT, after I had had my morning sleep,
I decided to make a simple breakfast of muesli and Ovaltine for us
both. I had just handed Mick his in the cockpit. My bowl of muesli
minus the milk was on the worktop on a non-slip mat and I was just
adding the boiling water to my cup when I heard roar developing from
port. I just managed to secure the kettle back on the stove but still
had half a cup of Ovaltine in my hand when the boat was flung
violently to starboard and I was flung across it ending up on the
chart table with hot Ovaltine spraying over everything including me.
I dropped the cup which broke on the floor. My muesli was also
sprayed across the worktop. Luckily I suffered no serious burns, and
after clearing up Ovaltine from every conceivable surface and the
shattered cup from the floor, was able to scrape my muesli back into
the bowl, make another drink and complete my breakfast. Suffice to
say I was now looking pretty disgusting.
the course of the day the wind continued to blow pretty hard –
around the forecast 30 k we reckoned and the seas from our
perspective seemed quite mountainous at times and they also remained
pretty confused with two cross swells from each quarter in addition
to the main swell from behind us, more or less from the same
direction as the wind. Sometimes the wind would back into the North
East however, causing the maintenance of our course to make the
boat's behaviour more uncomfortable than the Mate was happy with
(i.e. when we took the bigger swells on the quarter which caused the
boat to broach across the wind from time to time).
the conditions being less than pleasant we decided to shorten the
Watch periods over night to 3 hours rather than the usual 6. However
whilst the occasional broach was disconcerting the overall motion of
the boat was much quieter with the violent rocking from side to side
of the past now all but absent and when it does occur it's for much
shorter periods.
served up a very passable tinned stew on rice which we ate in the
cockpit marvelling at the mountains of water queuing up behind us.
Just before dinner we had our first AIS contact for more than six
days and it turned out to be the 12 Metre American yacht “Merry
Sixty”. We tried a number of times to hail her on the VHF without
reply. We assumed she was being single-handed and the skipper was off
took the first short watch commencing at 2130 GMT and I took the
second. Conditions moderated slightly during this period. I also
witnessed an extraordinary sight – a rainbow by moonlight. I had
never thought such a thing possible. It was understandably feint but
clearly there and I could see the whole arch commencing in the ocean
to our south and ending in the ocean to our north. ETA remains
Christmas Eve as long as we don't end up being pushed to far south by
the swell!
Noon position
= 15 19.6 N, 47 26.8 W
Noon to noon =
137 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 779
Nearer by 137
December 2016
was on Watch again at 0330 and I headed off to my bunk. An hour or so
later I became aware of some commotion outside and felt my legs
getting wet. I was about to shout out to Mick to put the wash boards
in when I noticed he had just got one in. The commotion continued and
the boat lent over further and I figured he was probably busy and
somehow managed to drift back to sleep. Mick woke me at 0700 GMT for
my next Watch and reported that I'd slept through a 34 knot squall at
0530 that lasted 5 minutes or so! The 34 knots was recorded on the
dodgy manometer and was therefore probably more. However, Mick
noticed that since the squall, the instrument was providing much more
convincing readings. The sea state moderated a little during the
course of the night allowing me to make a slight adjustment to Angus
to head us a little further northwards towards our desired heading of
286 magnetic for Martinique. The wind also eased a little over all,
but we are still getting gusts in the mid 20 knots. No sign of anyone
else since the American “Merry Sixty” passed us.
at 1030 GMT – we are still getting gusts in the high 20 ks and
occasional 30 ks. The jib has backed once during this period but even
then Angus was able to get the boat back on course on his own. The
motion down below is very peaceful compared with a few days ago. The
rolling is quite gentle most of the time. I'm off Watch at 1100 and
am quite looking forward to a morning nap whilst being gently rocked
to the land of nod! As I write this with an hour and 20 minutes until
noon GMT, we have already covered a 138 miles since our noon position
of yesterday. We may be on course for a record today!
it was – 144!
large seas and strong winds continued during the afternoon but
despite the conditions Mick set to baking bread. We hope to post a
moving video of his efforts so keep an eye open for updates! At the
time of writing we have not actually sampled the results but they
look very impressive. After that I made a brunch of scrambled eggs
and pan bread. There were some complaints that the bread was not
fully cooked in the middle however.
returned to our 6 hour Watch system for the overnight and as usual
Mick took the first stint. I slept so, so.
Noon position
= 14 53.4 N, 49 54.4 W
Noon to noon =
144 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 635
December 2016
I woke up just
before 0300 and made us both some Ovaltine before taking over the
Watch. The wind and sea both remained much the same with the boat
running under the No2 Jib and a heavily reefed Genoa. Rolling
remained significant but not the worst we had had.
The most disturbing
report from Mick was that he had sampled the bread he made yesterday
and was very disappointed. Little taste and too dense. We did buy two
types of flour so next time we'll try the other one. He also thought
a little more salt may help. Notwithstanding his report I was still
taken with the idea of bread and marmalade with fresh coffee for
breakfast and despite having broken the caffeteire
I was pretty
knackered on Watch and dozed a lot. Apparently, after a lively spell,
Mick came out to check on me noticed I was asleep and concluded that
things couldn't have been that bad and left me to it! Nothing of any
note occurred during my Watch therefore!
I was very glad to
climb back into bed at about 0930 GMT and slept until noon.
Once up I set to
fixing coffee with Mick's rolls and Marmalade. I made the coffee in
the tea pot and just let the grains settle. The rolls were a little
disappointing but with plenty of marmalade breakfast was enjoyable
enough for me to have seconds!
I spent the
afternoon reading and dodging spray in the cockpit (remember my
earlier comments about down wind sailing being dry – what a fool)
and writing up the blog at the chart table.
Of slight concern
today is the state of the batteries – it has been pretty overcast
today and at the present rate they may not get fully charged before
we lose the sun for the day. However, we did eventually get enough
sun to replenish the batteries.
Mick cooked a Corned
Beef, tinned Pork and vegetable curry which was very good – we
consumed it with a beer in the cockpit.
The wind has been up
and down all day between 13 and 22 knots necessitating frequent
changes to the amount of furling on the Genoa. Now, at 2100 GMT just
as we are starting the night Watch system it's in the mid teens and
we have three quarters of the Genoa out. The seas have reduced and
are at the lowest for many days but unfortunately we still have a
significant cross swell which when it hits 'just right' will send
Arctic Smoke off into a series of jerky rolls. We are continuing to
average about 5.5 knots and the wind has veered a little allowing us
to head more directly to Martinique. ETA at our Way Point at the
beginning of the St Lucia channel separating the two islands is late
afternoon on the 23/12. That however, relies upon our current speed
of 6.5 knots, more realistically therefore our arrival is more likely
to be on Christmas Eve.
Now I'm off to bed
until 0300 GMT.
Noon position
= 14 32.4 N, 52 12.04 W
Noon to noon =
136 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 561
Nearer by 134
December 2016
so, so sleep. Mick woke me at 0300 with reports of variable wind
strength – 15-20 knots from the ENE/E and mysterious flashes from
the bow navigation light even with the fuse removed!
3 hours of my Watch notable for a succession of squalls with 30 k
plus winds, so kept busy adjusting the size of the Genoa to suit.
Tried to anticipate from the clouds building behind us but often got
it wrong and thinking the danger had passed unfurled the Genoa only
to get hit by another one and have to wind it back in again.
Thankfully none were bad enough to require replacing the jib with the
storm jib but I did contemplate it a couple of times. Can hear the
wind building as I write so back up to check things out. Another
squall but not excessive so no adjustments required.
very glad when 0900 GMT arrived and I was able to handover to Mick
and catch up on some sleep.
at 1200 to a familiar scene but for the moment quieter with no
squalls in the offing. Mick reported that there had been a number
during his three hour stint.
the afternoon wasn't too bad – the wind and sea moderated some and
it was possible to sit in the cockpit and read without getting
cooked dinner (during which I may well have ruined the pressure
cooker by forgetting to put water in it before putting it on the
heat. I hope it's possible to buy a new safety valve which is what
seems to have been damaged.
end is now in sight (figuratively) and we'll both be very pleased to
get quality rest without worrying about the conditions/boat etc. ETA
remains Christmas Eve.
Noon position
= 14 22.4 N, 54 34.5 W
Noon to noon =
140 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 363
Nearer by 138
Thursday 22nd
December 2016
night brought renewed vigour of both wind and sea. Mick reported that
his Watch had been the most exciting night Watch he had ever taken
with squalls of around 30 k and boat speeds surging to over 7 k at
times. When I took over we were sailing at a sedate 5k in winds of
around 15k. It was too dark to see the sea but it still felt pretty
lumpy. After 3 hours things livened up again and we were back to
winds gusting to 30 k and the boat surging to 7 k as before. Exciting
is one word for it and I can think of others too! The one bonus over
the previous night for me (Mick had not been so fortunate) was that
the wind never fell below about 15 k and therefore even under
significantly reduced sail the boat managed to maintain around 5
knots. That meant there was no need to increase the sail area in the
'lulls' and therefore no need to frantically reduce it again when the
squalls arrived. Angus our self steering gear coped remarkably well
throughout only occasionally needing help to get the boat square on
to the waves.
the second night in a row both Mick and I have been treated to the
most puzzling light show from our bow navigation light. This is on
the front of the boat with green showing to starboard and red to
port. When sailing it is switched off because we have one on top of
the mast; it's only usually used under power. Mick first noticed it
flashing away last night and assumed an electrical fault and so
removed the fuse. However it continued to flash away. He then thought
there must be a short with another circuit and so was a bit concerned
about the risk of fire. We kept an eye and nose on things and apart
from the light show nothing unusual occurred. Strangely the flashing
seemed to increase at higher speeds and equally strangely we
sometimes observed white flashes.
phenomenon continued tonight. Mick's latest theory is that it's
caused by phosphorescence being reflected off the LED units on the
bulb and back out through external coloured lenses. Will we ever
really figure it out? Suffice to say that the experience of hurtling
down waves with spray flying everywhere and with a crazy red and
green light show up front was most surreal. Disney – eat your heart
out – this ride's for free (well maybe not).
and I'm off for three hours.
up at 0900 (Eastern Caribbean Time (ECT); GMT-4) and the scene is
much the same, windy and wavey (but at least the sun is breaking
through now and again). Later in the day the wind eased and veered to
south of east forcing us north of our preferred heading. We therefore
decided to jibe and revert to the traditional rig of mainsail and
Genoa. That took an hour and a half. Then we discussed whether it was
such a good rig given that every night for the last few nights we had
strong winds and if that happened again we would have to reef the
mainsail. A bit of a chore at night. Then the mainsail split (it's my
old one don't forget). So we had to change back to the twin headsail
rig but this time with the Genoa sheeted on the boom on starboard and
the jib poled out to port. That enabled us to aim more or less
directly for the St Lucia channel. ETA there early Christmas Eve
morning – the day after tomorrow!!
that activity was quite knackering – I must have spent about three
hours up on the foredeck messing about with various bits of string
while Mick took care of things at the cockpit end. It was 1830 (ECT)
and dark by the time we had finished. We decided to have a quick
supper of tinned stew and fish and start 5 hour Watches at 2000. We
had supper in the cockpit and soon realised we were the destination
for a significant number of flying fish. One hit Mick on the back of
the head before falling back into the sea but a number found their
way into the cockpit. Some I was able to rescue and throw back but
others got into the narrow well where the rudder shaft comes through
the cockpit sole and putting ones fingers down there risked getting
one's fingers chopped off so there they will remain until we get into
port! We must have sailed through a very extensive shoal of them
because we could here them smacking against the side of the boat for
some considerable minutes whilst we ate.
ran the engine for an hour and a half to charge the batteries because
it had been over-cast all day and they had received little charge.
day had been cloudy almost all day and whilst the cooler temperature
was appreciated it meant we got very little charge in the batteries
and therefore had to run the engine for 1.5 hours in the evening to
charge them.
Noon position
= 14 28.7 N, 57 00.4 W
Noon to noon =
143 NM
Distance to go
at noon = 221
Nearer by 142
December 2016
so done-in I probably had the best few hours sleep of the passage. I
woke at 0100 to slightly disappointing news from Mick which was that
we had only been able to average around 4 knots and stay on course
during his Watch. The problem was that if we unfurled more Genoa
Angus could not hold the course due to the additional weather helm
and we would head too far south.
played around with Angus' settings and sailed slightly by the lee
(meaning that the wind, rather than being directly behind us was
blowing slightly from the side of the boat on which the main boom. is
set. Normally it would be from the opposite side but we had just
spend 3 hours changing from one side to the other and it was dark!
This enabled us to set more Genoa and hold our course and therefore
to go a little faster. In the morning if the wind remains light we'll
set the bigger jib which will in turn enable us to carry more Genoa!
our ETA has now slipped back to lunch time on Christmas Eve and we
will still have 30 miles to travel beyond the weigh-point to get into
Forte De France. We really do not want to go any slower!
the change of Watch we replaced the small jib with the bigger one
which enabled us to set more Genoa. As a result our speed increased
back to 5-6 k and we were still able to hold our course for the St
Lucia channel between the two islands. ETA there now back to
Christmas Eve morning around dawn. We will still have another 30
miles to go after that so it will be lunch time (local) before we get
in to Forte De France. We are both hoping it turns out to be a
reasonably flat anchorage because we have had enough of the bloody
rolling! Mick commented that the thing he was looking forward too
most was being able to put a drink down and not find out it was spilt
on the other side of the cabin/cockpit seconds later.
hoping we'll be able to find somewhere to eat on Christmas day but we
may have to manage on the boat in which case getting in early enough
to top stores tomorrow will be a big plus.
around 1130 local time a sail came into view on the horizon on our
starboard bow in roughly the position the yacht that overtook us last
night was last seen. It's pretty unlikely that any yacht in our sort
of position would be doing anything else than heading for one of the
Caribbean islands at the end of an Atlantic crossing and we therefore
summarised that with our now increased sail area and slightly higher
speed, we were now catching him up again.
then turned to her possible identity and it seemed at least possible
that it might be Lionel in Aristophanes who left two days before us.
His sailing strategy was to tack down wind because he did not have
twin head sails. It's possible therefore that over the course of the
crossing we may have slowly caught him up. We should find out within
24 hours! The yacht, whoever she is, overtook us last night when we
were running slowly under reduced sail area.
local time approximately … a huge wave hit the boat on the
starboard beam and poured through the open saloon window.
Miraculously the deluge seemed to miss the nav station and all the
electronic equipment and also the two berths one either side of the
saloon but the centre of the saloon was knee deep in sea water. I
made my across to the window to close it and saw another breaking
wave heading for us, I just managed to get the clasps over the
turn-buckles and had started to tighten them when the next wave hit.
More water poured in as the boat was thrown onto her beam ends.
Looking through the window I saw another wave on its way. One of the
clasps had come lose and I would have to loosen the other to get them
both on. I was in a quandary. I needed to get the boat head onto the
waves to avoid being turned over but if I didn't do that quickly
enough even more water would poor in the un-secured window and we
might be at risk from sinking from that. I cursed the designer of the
windows – how stupid to have windows that opened anyway. I decided
to have one last go at securing the window and hoped that Arctic
Smoke could look after herself when the wave hit. I just failed to
secure the window before the third wave hit and more water deluged
in. Water was everywhere and the boat was feeling very sluggish. I
felt like I was going to feint but the question found its way to my
consciousness – how come the window was open? Chris and I re-bedded
all the windows in Pasito Blanco – they weren't opening ones then!
And then I woke up :)
was 1515 local time; the sun was out and a gentle breeze blowing.
There was still something of a swell and the boat was therefore still
rolling but no breakers about to engulf us from starboard.
changed the rig just before dark to Genoa only boomed out to port.
This enabled us to lay a better course for the St Lucia Channel and
make between 4 & 5 knots which would get us to the channel about
0300 local time (0700 GMT).
was very basic baked beans and lentils. It did the job. With the
coming hours after midnight likely to be quite busy as we navigate
through the St Lucia Channel, we suspended our previous watch system
and Mick took time off first for a couple of hours from 1830 local
Noon position
= 14 26.565 N, 59 01.940 W
Noon to noon =
119 NM
Distance to go
(to St Lucia Channel) at noon = 103
Nearer by 118
24th December 2016
Just after midnight and the loom of lights on Martin visible.
0930 Now well into the St Lucia Channel.
Our batteries are now no longer lasting the night despite getting
fully charged. Consumption is up significantly and we put this down
to the much warmer temperature making the fridge work much harder.
0840 Now on final approach to Martinique. Close hauled in fresh wind
and flat water (for the first time of the whole passage) under Genoa
alone – a nice change after all the rolling.
1055 Anchor down Forte De France. Beers out. Phew – passage over.
Postscript: neither Chris nor Lionel here. Turns out the former in St
Annes and the Latter in Marin – right next door to each other. We
will probably sail down and visit them in a couple of days. Forte De
France early closing on Saturday afternoon so town dead but we were
able to shop for Christmas dinner. Christmas day: Relaxing morning.
Rain-shower showers in the cockpit, followed by first relaxing
breakfast for two weeks – Lovely.
Christmas day swim to come
followed by a late Christmas dinner.
Boat repairs/maintenance
Invited new arrival Arvin, a single hander for Christmas dinner and had a most enjoyable evening.
Oh yes, that bar of soap. It stayed put through the entire passage even as everything else that was not screwed down decided to move house.